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*Note: Only compatible with the latest update (v1.2). The programs in this document will not work with older versions.



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- analyse:

Finds axis intercepts, stationery and inflection points and their nature, derivative, domain and given endpoints of a function.

- function_grad:

Finds the gradient of a function of x at a point.

- solve_grad:

Finds the points on a function of x with a particular gradient

- tangent_line:

Finds the equation of the tangent line to a function of x at a point.

- normal_line:

Finds the equation of the normal line to a function of x at a point.

- intersect:

Finds the intersection points between 2 functions.

- function_inv:

Finds the inverse of a function of x.

- transform:

Finds the image of a function of x under certain transformations, or finds the transformations between two transformed functions.

- linear_info:

Finds the gradient, distance, midpoint, linear equations and its axis intercepts given two points, or a point and a gradient.

- total_area:

finds the total area bounded by a function and the x-axis.

- binom_cdf:

Finds the binomial CDF probability.

- binom_pdf:

Finds the binomial PDF probability.

- binom_info:

Finds the mean, variance, standard deviations and probability values of a binomial probability distribution.

- binom_inv:

Inverse binomial probability finds the number of trials required to meet a certain probability.

- normal:

Finds probabilities associated with the normal distribution.

- normal_inv 

Inverse normal distribution.

- z_score:

Standardizes normal probability distribution values. 



- Functions to find real part, imaginary part, modulus, argument and conjugate of a complex number.

- Functions to find scaler resolute, vector resolute, dot product, vector angle, magnitude, unit vector and unit bisector of given vectors.

- lindep_test:

Tests whether 3 vectors are linearly dependent.

- colinear_test:

Tests whether 3 vectors are colinear.

- complex_info:

Finds real part, imaginary part, modulus, argument and conjugate of a complex number.

- complex_poly:

Finds coefficients and roots of a complex polynomial.

- polar_conv:

Converts a complex number from rectangular to polar form.

- rect_conv:

Converts a complex number from polar to rectangular form.

- demoivre_poly:

Solves a complex polynomial in polar form using De Moivre's thoerem.

- analyse:

Finds axis intercepts, stationery and inflection points and their nature, derivative, domain and given endpoints of a function.

- implicit_diff:

Finds the derivative of a relation using implicit differentiation.

- hypb_lines:

Finds the equations of the asymptotes of a hyperbola.

- transform:

Finds the image of a function of x under certain transformations, or finds the transformations between two transformed functions.


MORE TO COME IN FUTURE UPDATES: (Calculus, Kinematics, Differential Equations, Mechanics Programs)





- list_info:

Finds the quartiles, minimum and maximum values, mean, median, standard deviation, range and interquartile range of a list or set of data.

- mean_smoothing:

Applies mean smoothing to a list, given mean smoothing value ranging from 2 to 5.

- lin_regression:

Finds the equation of the linear regression line, a,b,r and r^2 values for the sets of data.

- lin_transform:

Applies a given transformation (quadratic, logarithmic, or reciprocal) to transform a data set to linearity, and finds the a,b,r and r^2 values of this linear regression.

- residual_info:

Uses the regression line to find the residuals and predicted response data variables.

- seasonal_avg:

Finds the average values of the seasons for each cycle.

- seasonal_index:

Finds all seasonal index figures and calculates their averages for each season.

- deseasonalise:

Automatically deseasonalises data.

- extract_list:

Generates a list extracted from a matrix.

- clear_var:

Clears all variables after performing a stat calculation.

- determinant: 

Finds the determinant of a matrix

- inverse:

Finds the inverse of an invertible matrix.

- transpose:

Finds the (complex conjugate) transpose of a matrix.


MORE TO COME IN FUTURE UPDATES! (Since I don't do further, I need to learn all the content before I can implement any programs. Next update will include matrix programs!)

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