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In collaboration with
Combining the most overpowered CAS Programs
with an unparalleled tutoring experience
Programs Packages Available
Programs packages ordered through ContourUDFs includes a free 2 hour Contour lesson and resources.
Check out all of the features on offer below
Meet ContourUDFs
Gain access to an entire suite of carefully crafted CAS programs for your tech-active assessments. Available on TI Nspire, Classpad, and Mathematica calculators.
How do I access ContourUDFs?
Option 1: Enrol in a Contour Math Subject
The UDFs will be provided for free as part of your enrolment. Note that to have access to a particular program package, you must be enrolled in the corresponding subject. For example, to have access to the Methods package, you must be enrolled in Methods. To enrol, visit this link.
Option 2: Access for students from under-represented schools
The list of under-represented schools can be found on this link. If you are from an under-represented school and would like access to the CAS programs, follow the steps below.
Book a free Contour trial class
Visit to sign up or make an enquiry.
Attend your trial class
Enjoy your free Contour class :)
Note that there are free trial classes for anyone who wants to enrol too!
Make a payment for the UDFs
After your trial class, you will unlock the option to make a one-time purchase of the UDFs. You can also enrol in a class and the UDFs will be provided free of charge as part of the course.
Complete the UDF form
A UDF (google) form will be emailed to collect your personal details and CAS details. Your order will be processed and delivered within a few days.
Enjoy the programs!
Your unique copy will be emailed to you, including installation instructions, bound reference, and a CAS guide. If you found your trial class valuable, consider enrolling with Contour to excel your studies, including workshops to master your CAS
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